111 modelos, 20 nuevos

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Modular house in modern architectural style

M-shaped prefabricated house with integrated English courtyard

Fachada revestimiento porcelánico y madera tecnológica vista frontal casa modular moderna
Vista frontal fachada porcelánico, monocapa y madera tecnológica

Luxury modular house in Madrid in process, designed and inspired by one of the models in our 111 modular house catalogue: the Matadepera model. A prefabricated house with a total of 404 m² distributed over three floors (ground floor, first floor and basement).

A peculiar exterior design comprising a mixture of Italian elegance with porcelain tile exterior cladding and a Mediterranean style thanks to the use of natural colours and wood-look ceramic tiles.

An industrialised house designed to measure for a client who is a complete lover of animals, nature and the outdoor environment. The house has an M-shaped floor plan and the play with the design and volumetry in the form of a cube.


Modular house in modern
architectural style

Fachada vista lateral con materiales porcelánico, césped artificial y madera tecnológica exterior
Fachada vista lateral con materiales porcelánico, césped artificial y madera tecnológica exterior
vista escalera
Vista lateral fachada casa modular de lujo con volumetrías en forma de cubo y porches
Diseño de interior modeno en casa de lujo, escaleras centradas

Modular house in modern architectural style. Design and connection

This prefabricated house in Madrid consists of a total of three floors, including a basement overlooking an English courtyard. This courtyard is visible from all the central rooms of the house, from the basement to the first floor, in order to connect the house with the exterior on another level. A courtyard connected by a concrete staircase, tread by tread.

On the façade we find imitation wood ceramic tiles for vertical cladding and ceilings in the porches, as well as earth-coloured ceramic tiles to bring us closer to the Mediterranean style, achieving the elegance of porcelain materials.

Throughout the house we find the same paving both inside and outside, an element that together with the views of the pool and garden from all parts of the house and the door that blends in with the façade, provides continuity between the inside and outside of the house.

The customisation of an inHAUS modular home

Custom-built modular house in modern architectural style

The design of this modular house is completely bespoke, inspired by the Matadepera model from the 111 catalogue, taking into account the needs and tastes of the client. One of the main needs was the openness and connection of the house with the exterior, therefore, the house is equipped with different points of light thanks to the different orientations of all the spaces towards the front area where the swimming pool and garden are located. In addition, it was of vital importance the presence of multipurpose spaces, such as the cinema room, the games room, the gym and the workshop, without forgetting the most special element, a room dedicated to pets.

Plan and layout

Modern architectural style modular house in Madrid

This industrialised house has a peculiar interior distribution of the dwelling, with a single bedroom suite that contains a gymnasium inside it. A prefabricated house distributed over three floors, in the shape of an M. A clear play on volumetry and open cube design.

Ground floor
Casa modular de estilo arquitectónico moderno - Plano planta baja
First floor
Casa modular de estilo arquitectónico moderno - Plano primera planta

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