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II International Contest “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house” for students and new graduates

Following on from the work started in 2017 with the I International Competition “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house”, Casas inHAUS launches this second edition where we would like to repeat the great reception that the last edition received , and increase the monetary value of the prizes. The Competition “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house” is an initiative of Casas inHAUS that was created with the intention of promoting creativity and innovation in Architecture. It aims to promote new ways of doing architecture among students and recent graduates from all architecture colleges and other related disciplines, rewarding those who stand out for their creativity in the search for new modular housing solutions.

Casas inHAUS stands for two fundamental principles for professional practice within the current context: creativity and innovation. It is always linked to a high constructive quality, the optimization of techniques and the improvement of peoples living space.

The aim is to promote the use of new technologies and the industrialization of the sector without losing the essence of the idea learned in the classroom: “the house must be a reflection of the person who lives in it’.

As a novelty, this year, leading companies in their respective sectors, who are going to collaborate with us to manufacture our homes,and act as sponsors of the competition are: : Nuovvo, Jung, Perfil 10, Renova 10 , Catalana Occidente and Finsa.

Object of the Competition

The purpose of the competition  proposed by Casas inHAUS is to design  modular concrete housing that complies with the specifications set, and the technical and formal response to the requirements specified in the rules

The selection of the best architectural solutions by the jury, will become part of the inHAUS 2017 Catalogue and will be manufactured as many times as the clients demand, including the winners and their corresponding design Royalties. Here you can see the winning project from last year that we included in our catalogue.

The proposal aims to be an incentive for the youngest; helping them to start their professional journey, introducing new construction techniques, fostering creativity to achieve more with less and promoting the industrialized modular architecture as an optimal option for both quality and design.

In short, an open reflection on the real roads of the architectural world. The bridge between the world of study and work … Are you ready to begin?

Competition Rules

Who can participate in the Competition?

  • All those students enrolled in the academic year 2017/18 in Architecture or any other discipline related to the sector (engineering, design, interior design, decoration…) from any university.
  • New graduates, who finished their studies from the year 2014 onwards, whether they are architecture studies or other disciplines related to the sector (engineering, design, interior design, decoration …) at an international level.

The participants can be individuals or multidisciplinary teams. Each student can only be part of a team and each contestant or team are able to submit a maximum of two proposals, either as a group or as individuals.

Group participation is limited to 5 people per group.

Project Requirements

Contestants interested in participating can find the Briefing here.

Requested Documentation

The delivery format will be the horizontal A1 template provided by Casas inHAUS in the registration confirmation email, in two formats:

  • High resolution PDF for the study and evaluation by the Jury
  • JPG at 72 dpi resolution and a maximum 5MB file size for the online voting platform

The content of both files must be identical and must be named as follows: Participant code_Slogan of the project. (The participant code has been sent in the registration confirmation email.)

Each proposal must contain:

  • Floors in 1/100 scale
  • Elevations and significant sections in 1/100 scale
  • Computer graphics
  • A brief description of the project

The documentation must be sent to concurso@casasinhaus.com before the date indicated on the deadline calendar.

To be able to participate in the competition the applicants will need to register through this website.

Number of participants

The designs that do not arrive referenced with the Participant Code granted by Casas inHAUS, will be excluded from the II International Competition “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house”.

Likewise, those projects that arrive with a non-existent numbering in the Casas inHAUS database will also be excluded

If any personal data is included in the documents presented, they will also be a reason for exclusion from the competition.

All submitted material must be referenced with the Participant Code that has been assigned to each participant or team.

Submission deadline

You can register up to the date indicated in the schedule through the website, get your participant number and send it to  concurso@casasinhaus.com, in PDF and JPG format, the panels with the graphic and written information indicated above.

Exhibition and publication

Once the participation period is over, all the received proposals will be uploaded to the voting section and the online voting period will begin. Once the votes are closed and the jury makes a decision , each of the winning projects will be published in this same section.


Queries can be made by emailing concurso@casasinhaus.com and they will be answered by the Competition Secretary as soon as possible.

The generated list of these questions and answers will be published in the FAQ section of the page along with the competition rules which will be sent to the members of the Jury for their  consideration.

Registration and enrolment

Registration to participate in the competition is made by filling out the registration form and making the corresponding payment according to the registration date. Once this is done we will send you an email with the registration confirmation and the Participant Code to the email address provided

For each submitted project, the participant must request a Participant Code. A maximum of two Participant Codes per person can be requested, either in the group or as an individuaI,in this case, 2 registrations will have to be made and paid for.


The jury will be made up of a group of architects and professionals with experience in the world of modular architecture. The final composition of this Jury will be published in this same section later.

In addition, a popular vote of delivered works will be carried out. For this purpose, a voting platform has been planned where we will publish all the projects received. To visualize the works and to be able to vote, participants will  need to  become ‘a fan’ on Facebook of Modular Houses inHAUS.


The following prizes will be awarded to the proposals that best meet the requirements of the object of the competition:

  • First prize

2.000 € + Publication on the web page Casas inHAUS + royalties of 2% of the sales of the winning design during the first five years.

  • Second prize

1.500 € + Publication on the web page Casas inHAUS + royalties of 2% of the sales of the winning design during the first five years.

  • Third prize

1.000 € + Publication on the web page Casas inHAUS + royalties of 2% of the sales of the winning design during the first five years.

  • 2 special prizes inHAUS

Two special recognitions of 500€ will be awarded to those proposals that receive the most votes from the users of the platform and have not been awarded in another category.

5 Special Acknowledgements

Five finalists will be selected with the most interesting proposals in terms of architectural quality, who have not obtained any of the previous recognitions.


Registration deadline

  • Up to the 12th May, 2018 – Early registration fee 29€ *
  • From 13th May to 9th June, 2018 –Registration fee 39€ *
  • From 10th June to 30th June, 2018 –Last registration fee 49€ *

* Any registration fee paid by bank transfer that is made during the last two days of each period (11th -12th May, 29th – 08-09th June and 29th-3rd June) will have up to  48 hours to make a payment, otherwise it will be necessary to pay the corresponding fee by that date shown

Deadline for submission of proposals 

  • 29th July 2018.

Publication on the online voting platform

  • 5th August 2018.

Online voting period

  • From 5th August to 8th September, 2018.

Deliberation by the professional jury and publication of all  winners:

  • From 9th September to 15th September, 2018.
  • Publication of al winner: October


  • Will be communicated later.



PDF version of the rules

Queries and clarifications

Queries can be made until 29st July via email to concurso@casasinhaus.com which will then be answered by the Secretary of the Competition as soon as possible. The generated list of these questions and answers will be published in the FAQ section of this page. Likewise, this list along with the complete competition rules, will be sent to the members of the Jury for their  consideration.

General considerations

Competition Results

Prizes will be declared  if the majority (half plus one) of the members of the Professional Jury decide so.

The result of the competition will be communicated to the winners after the signature of the jury of this edition.


All the projects presented will remain the property of Casas inHAUS SLU, who will compensate the designers with the corresponding royalties according to the internal standards of the company.

The  first and second prize winning projects  will also be owned by Casas inHAUS SLU, without compromising Casas inHAUS SLU for the production of the design.

Casas inHAUS SLU may also advertise them as it sees fit, provided that it is always done so in reference to the competition

In the submission of the designs the participants guarantee that they will not submit any materials that breach any infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties.  Casas inHAUS SLU do not take any  responsibility for the breaking of any rule or  the infringment of any rights of third parties on the part of the participants.

Participants in the competition give Casas inHAUS SLU exclusive rights to the images presented, including the rights of use, sharing, distribution, exhibition, public communication, broadcasting and reproduction through the Internet or any other audiovisual medium or exhibition of the designs sent.

Responsibility in design authorship

Any claim by third parties that may occur in relation to the authorship of the presented design will be the responsibility of the participants.

Modification of the rules

The company Casas inHAUS SL reserves the right to modify any of these rules as well as the dates and location of the awards ceremony or the deadline of submission of the proposals.

In the case of any modification, Casas inHAUS will proceed to communicate the new date and location of the awards ceremony to the media and to the contestants as early as possible and as best considers achieving its correct broadcasting.

Acceptance of the rules

Participation in the II International Competition “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house” implies full acceptance of these rules.

In the case of non-compliance with any of the rules, the design will be excluded from the competition.

The registration period for the contest has ended

Requirements for modular housing

A proposal will be considered a ‘ modular housing design’ when it has all the necessary comforts of a first residence.

There is no limitation regarding the land. The designer will make the decision to locate the house on  flat, uneven, stepped land…

The housing program is equally free to not  set limits and to encourage the creativity of the architect. One or two floors, with or without  a garage…

It should be taken into account the correct   functionality of all rooms of the house in terms of positioning, orientation and distribution of the rooms… ensuring optimal functionality, harmony of the parts within the whole and the comfort of its future inhabitants.

The constructed area must have between  a 150m2 and 300m2, with at least one bedroom on the ground floor.

The house will be formed of as many modules as necessary. The composition and relation of the modules to each other is free, that is to say, they can be placed adjacent, superimposed, in ladder, perpendicular… according to the requirements of the concept of the housing raised.

The search for the dimension of the module must be free, adapting the module both to the needs of the home and to the criteria of transportation, assembly, and to the joining of modules together…

It will be highly valued:

  • Possible innovative contributions in design, quality, technology, manufacturing processes, etc. And, in general, everything that contributes to give an added value to the proposal presented.
  • Optimization in production / transport / assembly costs.
  • Possibility of production in a simple and viable way from all points of view.
  • Versatility and opportunity of evolution from the initial design: auxiliary pieces of complementary uses, variations of sizes, adaptation to the changes of needs during its useful life…

Bioclimatic improvements, energy saving,  the use of natural resources…

Is there a deadline date of registration?

No, students can register and send their work until the closing date of the competition (see schedule in the rules).

Who can participate in the competition?

  • All those students enrolled in the academic year 2017/18 in Architecture or any other discipline related to the sector (engineering, design, interior design, decoration…) of any university.
  • New graduates, who have finished their studies from the year 2014 onwards, whether they are architecture studies or any other discipline related to the sector (engineering, design, interior design, decoration …) at an international level.

Can students from other universities who are not Spanish participate?

Yes, both students and recent graduates can participate internationally, either in architecture or any other discipline related to the sector (engineering, design, interior design, decoration…)

Are there any restrictions regarding the choice of  workplace?

No, none.

Can you mix steel and concrete (steel structure and concrete panels) or will only projects with a concrete structure be valid?

They can be mixed without any problem.

How are the winners decided?

The vote through the web will make up  40% of the total, and the vote of the jury the remaining 60%.

* Queries can be made  via email to concurso@casasinhaus.com which will be answered by the Compeition Secretary as soon as possible. The generated list of these questions and answers will be published in the FAQ section of this page. Likewise, this list along with the complete rulesof the competition, will be distributed to the members of the Jury for their consideration.

The voting period has ended

Previous Editions

The year 2017 gave us many proud moments of in Prefabricated Houses inHAUS, one of the most brilliant was the first edition of the International Competition “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house” for students and recent graduates.

We had more than 700 people who enrolled , of which we received almost 170 high quality proposals from a vast array of countries in the world. In the online voting process we received more than 40,000 votes among all the projects presented. Together with these votes and our jury of experts we had 11 winning projects in the different categories among which more than 6,000€ was distributed in prizes and royalties. We leave you with a list of the winners from  last year:

First prize: 

  • Code: LAB2017- 111198.
  • Slogan: Slide. La armonía de lo esencial.
  • This spectacular house convinced all our jurers with a perfect floor resolution and an ingenious use of the corbel’s house.
  • Prize: 1.500 € + Publication on the web page Houses inHAUS + royalties of 2% of the sales of the winning design during the first five years.

Second prize:

  • Code:  LAB2017- d380e7
  • Slogan: ATRIUM
  • Our jury valued very highly that this project solves a large part of the needs that our clients require. This house has everything an inHAUS client requests.
  • Prize: 1.000 € + Publication on the web page Houses inHAUS + royalties of 2% of the sales of the winning design during the first five years.

Third prize:

  • Code: LAB2017- 21de4e
  • As its name suggests, this house was highlighted by the jury for its great adaptability of the proposed model. Experts also valued the versatility given by the displaced modules
  • Prize: 625 € + Publication on the web page Houses inHAUS + royalties of 2% of the sales of the winning design during the first five years.

Fourth prize:

  • Code: LAB2017- 32
  • Slogan: ModulArte
  • The organization of the competition inHAUS LAB decided to give this new extra award when it considered that this proposal, not being excessively innovative, broadly met the requirements to be part of the inHAUS catalogue. It also had the added value of being in third place in online voting. The jury also positively viewed how the house had been resolved in its interior layout and image.
  • Prize: Royalties of 2% of the sales of the awarded design during the first five years.

Special prizes inHAUS:

  • Code: LAB2017- 25b12a
  • First place in On-line voting.
  • Prize: 300€

  • Code: LAB2017- 2948a1
  • Second place in On-line voting.
  • Prize: 300€.

Special Acknowledgment:

  • Code: LAB2017- 3c7fa4
  • Our jury wanted to highlight the originality of the project’s approach, a risky proposal that should be highlighted.

  • Code: LAB2017- e19c83
  • Slogan: CUBE [CUBE]
  • The development of a single module that adapts to the different spatial needs of the house was admired by our jury.

  • Code: LAB2017- 0eb04e
  • The work done to adapt the type of housing with patios to the modular architecture was highlighted in this project by our jurers

  • Code: LAB2017- 936cc5
  • Slogan: AAM
  • Our jury were very interested in the introduction of an element such as the sloping roof within the modular construction system that was proposed in this project.

  • Code: LAB2017- 7ed32f
  • Slogan: (CASA)3
  • Highlighted by our jury was the use of a patio that joins both floors and supports the different spaces of the house in this project.

From inHAUS LAB we thank once again all the participants for the great reception received by the competition and we invite you to participate next year in the II International Competition “inHAUS LAB – Design your modular house” for students and recent graduates.


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